When Was The Last Time You Had Your Car Serviced?
We take our cars for granted most of the time. We go out in the morning every day, put the key in the ignition and drive to work without giving it a second thought. But the fact is, when the weather changes or we decide to go on a longer drive, then the car needs to be ready for it. When the temperatures rise or we jump on the motorway instead of driving across town, the engine, gearbox and other parts of the car are put under different strains. It’s at these times that the car is most likely to suffer a mechanical failure or breakdown. The older your car the more likely it is to happen, and any car that is more than a couple of years old should be fully checked and serviced at the beginning of summer and then again at the beginning of winter. That is the best way to ensure the reliability of your car for those demanding times of year. Don’t wait until it’s too late, book your car in now. For car servicing in Maidenhead, simply call Harper Motors on 01628 ...